What's new
Jastor 1.0.4 Changes/Features/Fixes
- Jena 2.4 Compatibility
- Individuals with rdf:type that matches a class in the ontology are given
constants in the interface for that class
- owl:oneOf Enumerated Classes assure that the members are generated as individuals
in the class and are checked during creation of objects. Anonymous enumerated classes
specified as property ranges generate a dummy class with individuals to use.
- previously, rdf:type statements for every class in the type hierarchy would be added to
new individuals created through the factory. Now, by request, this behavior is
configurable via the generation flag addAllRDFTypesInHierarchy. The default behavior
remains to add all the types.
- Open domain properties (null domain, rdfs:Resource, owl:Thing) are now added to every class
in the ontology in which it was defined. The previous behavior was to ignore such open
domain properties unless a class had a restriction on that property.
- Literal fixes
- configuration of typed vs. plain literals
- in typedLiteral mode, the getters of propertie return null unless the literal value
is typed properly. This may be a bit less convenient in some cases, however, it is
semantically more correct.
- If a class has two properties with the same local name (different NS), Jastor 1.0.4 will
create a prefix for the conflicting names. Optionally, these prefixes may be manually configured
in the JastorContext or in the Ant build.xml
- Generation time performance has been improved by caching the results of OntologyClass.listProperties(...).
- Various other bug fixes and tweaks that I was not dilligent enough to record.
Jastor 1.0.3 Changes
The only major feature change is that
factory getters return null if resouce is not of correct type and if strict typing is enabled
Jastor 1.0.2 Changes
Jastor 1.0.2 improves upon the efficiency of the property caches by registering fewer
listeners on the model. We also added support for owl:functionalProperty so that
function properties have single-valued getters/setters. In addition, properties
that are subProperties inherit the domain/range of their parent properties. We also
added a method to the factory getAll(Model model) that returns all
instances of that exist in the model.
Finally, the getters and iterators returned by properties with alternate ranges
(allValuesFrom, union range definitions) only return instances for objects with the
proper rdf:Type. For example, if we have class A with property “foo” and class B
subclassof A, and B (foo allValuesFrom C) and we call myB.getFoo_AsC(), the resulting
Iterator will skip over any objects that do not have rdf:type C. In the single valued
property case, the method will return null.
Jena Semantic
Web Framework version 2.3 or later is
required. Jena 2.4 is recommended.
Ant version 1.6 or later is
optional. Ant may be used to generate Jastor classes using an Ant build
file instead of a Java application.
Generating Java Classes
To Generate Jastor classes, a JastorContext must be defined either
directly via Jastor's Java API or via the "jastor" Ant Task
(com.ibm.adtech.jastor.JastorTask). JastorContext
generation options provide flexibility in terms of what code is
generated and how Java identifier names are chosen. Some users may wish
to have the generated classes extend some custom base class.
This may be done according to the example in
For example, given our ski.owl ontology, the
following Java snippet will generate Jastor classes and save them to the
"gensrc" directory:
Example 1: Java to generate Jastor classes
JastorContext ctx = new JastorContext();
ctx.addOntologyToGenerate(new FileInputStream("ski.owl"),
JastorGenerator gen = new JastorGenerator(
new File("gensrc").getCanonicalFile(),
The following Ant snippet (from build.xml) generates the same classes:
Example 2: Jastor Ant Build Task
description="builds ski ontology">
usePackageNamesForRestrictedRanges="false" >
javaPackage="com.ibm.adtech.jastor.test.ski" />
After Jastor classes are generated, they can be used to access RDF in a clean, type-safe manner:
Example 3: Using Jastor classes
static final String PREFIX = "http://test.ibm.com/jastor/skiing/";
static final String POCKET_ROCKETS_URI = PREFIX + "pocketRockets";
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Ski pocketRockets = SkiFactory.createFatTwin(POCKET_ROCKETS_URI, model);
pocketRockets.setModel("Pocket Rockets");
System.out.println("These skis have " + pocketRockets.getCoreConstruction() + " core construction.");
if (pocketRockets instanceof PowderSki) {
System.out.println("These skis can handle deep powder.");
if (pocketRockets instanceof TwinTip) {
System.out.println("You can ride backwards on these skis.");
pocketRockets.registerListener(new SkiListener() {
public void manufacturerChanged(Ski source) {
System.out.println("Pocket Rocket Manufacturer changed to: " + source.getManufacturer());
StmtIterator iter = pocketRockets.resource().listProperties();
System.out.println("Lets look at all statements about these skis, even ones that are not part of our ontology: ");
while(iter.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("\t" + iter.nextStatement());
For more examples of using Jastor to generate classes see com.ibm.adtech.jastor.test/src/com/ibm/adtech/jastor/jet/test in Jastor's test source in CVS.
and com.ibm.adtech.jastor.test/build.xml. In particular, the OWL-S tests demonstrate numerious complex OWL DL features.
Jastor source in in CVS under the "com.ibm.adtech.jastor" module.
Jastor's test source in in CVS under the "com.ibm.adtech.jastor.test" module.
OWL Compatibility Notes
Jastor supports most features of OWL Lite and OWL DL in terms of
generating interfaces and hierarchies that capture the correct class
descriptions and properties. In this version, Jastor does not perform
restriction checking beyond those restrictions that can be implemented
with first order Java constructs. For example, type restrictions are
implemented with setter methods that take specific parameters.
Jastor binaries and source are available for download on the
SourceForge files page: Download
For anonymous cvs access to Jastor see the SourceForge CVS page: CVS Page.
Example Generated APIs
To demonstrate the utility of Jastor, we have generated and packaged code for several popular ontologies. The packages
are available for download on the
SourceForge files page: Download
Page. We now present a brief description of each package.
OWL-S 1.1
OWL-S is a set of ontologies for describing workflow and Web Services. The
generated package contains code for OWL-S and all of its dependencies (ObjectList, SWRL, time-entry, etc...).
FOAF is a popular system for describing people and relationships on the Web. Recently, RDF
has become a popular data format for FOAF. This package contains code generated from the FOAF RDFS ontology.
Biopax is a collaborative effort to create a data exchange format for biological pathway data. Users
of biopax should find the generated Jastor classes useful.
The Collections ontology is designed to provide a way to express ordered and unordered lists of objects and literals that can be subclassed. Unlike
ObjectList, collections can contain mixtures of literals and objects. CollectionWrapper
is a java.util.Collection
implementation based on the generated code.